Welcome to Source of Steel - The Heavy Metal Museum. For the metal head who likes to own or collect physical CDs, Source of Steel is my website dedicated to the love of physical metal on shiny plastic discs. Micro-reviews, thoughts, pics of my own collection and random utterances galore. The site started out purely as a way of sharing my rarities to like-minded fans, but now (for longevity's sake more than anything) it is open to new physical metal music bits I've picked up, including new releases and other random shit.

Nasum - Industrislaven EP

Everyone should own some Nasum if you ask me. If a band can rejuvenate one of the old school grind legends into upping their game (as they did for Napalm Death, according to interviews with Shane) they can certainly get some grinders to bang some heads whilst listening to this. An original press of one of the bands very early EPs, released on Poserslaughter Records.

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